art review

Articles, Blog, Film, Photography, Press

Review of Monika K. Adler’s work: a psychological perspective (fragment)

REVIEW OF MONIKA K. ADLER’S PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK: A PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE DRS KEVIN ZDANIECKI Fragment: In so many of Monika K Adler’s still photographs the unconscious psyche is attempting to communicate identity (personal and collective) along with most noticeably issues related to the boundary between life and death and the mysteries held within both. Mastery, in

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Blog, Exhibitions, Film, Film Festivals, Film Reviews, Press

Monika K. Adler – Purification (2013)

THE AMBIVALENT BODY: ON THE SHORT FILMS OF MONIKA K. ADLER By Robert Smart Paraphilia Magazine, January 2014 Adler’s next film, Purification, is short, just under five-minutes long. The description provided for the film states: Affliction, purify, virtue – Seville, December 2008. Cardinale Alessandro Zacchia II decided to purify a young Polish nun to free

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